OWLC Is Now Congressional Office For International Leadership Official Name Changed Announced
Washington, DC,
March 3, 2023
WASHINGTON, DC - President Biden's signature on The Fiscal Year 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act last night formally changed the name of the Open World Leadership Center to the Congressional Office for International Leadership (COIL). The name-change language was among many measures included in the bill. As COIL, the agency will continue to administer the Open World program, manage a network of almost 30,000 alumni, and partner with over 2,700 US host communities in all 50 states. This is a significant change that opens up the scope of our work with emerging democracies around the world and the countries that support their progress. COIL stands ready to assist the Ukrainians when they rebuild their country, continue to strengthen their legislature, and provide the services required to heal their veterans. COIL stands ready to partner with American constituents across our country in opening their communities and homes to this highly challenged generation of emerging Ukrainian leaders. COIL also stands ready to engage the Russian citizenry who have been, remain, and are ready to be a part of a civil society. Founded in 1999 by Congress, the Congressional Office for International Leadership (formerly known as the Open World Leadership Center) maintains a vast network of more than 29,000 alumni in strategic countries, including Russia, Ukraine, and others in the Caucuses Central Asia, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe. COIL supports international outreach efforts for Members of Congress by conducting exchanges that establish lasting professional relationships between emerging leaders and their U.S. counterparts. Program participants receive extensive exposure to American politics, accountable governance, and citizen diplomacy while being home hosted by American families. To learn more about the Open World program, please visit www.openworld.gov. |